Sunday, November 02, 2008

Fw: Dulwich Community Council Meeting - Tuesday November 11 at 7pm - special focus on Village Ward

--- On Sat, 1/11/08, Vineall, Nick <> wrote:
From: Vineall, Nick <>
Subject: Dulwich Community Council Meeting - Tuesday November 11 at 7pm - special focus on Village Ward
To: "Vineall, Nick" <>
Date: Saturday, 1 November, 2008, 6:16 PM

This is a round robin to all Village ward residents for whom I have email addresses.


I do hope you will consider coming to the next meeting of the Dulwich Community Council which is on Tuesday 11 November at   Herne Hill Baptist Church in Half Moon Lane . We start at 7pm and aim to finish soon after 9pm.


As you probably know the Dulwich Community Council covers East Dulwich , College, and Village wards (the three most southerly wards in Southwark).  But this meeting is especially focussed on Village Ward.


Southwark Council is preparing a local area plan for each Community Council area.


This will not be a formal planning document in the sense of being used for deciding planning applications - its ambit is intended to be wider, and looser, than that.  The idea of the local area plan is to try to identify and record our aspirations for improving (or preserving) our local area.


This meeting is an opportunity for you to influence what goes into our local area plan for Village ward.


So, for instance, should the Council's priorities in Village ward be focussed on public realm issues, like traffic or parking, and if so what are we trying to achieve overall; or should the focus be on the local primary schools; or on social services provision; or on "greening" Village ward. There are no easy answers, and no doubt all these things have a place – but where should the balance lie?



You can get a copy of the agenda and supporting papers from the Southwark website here (from Tuesday next week):



I do hope you will be able to come along.



Best wishes


Nick Vineall



Cllr Nick Vineall


Member for Village Ward

Chair Dulwich Community Council


London Borough of Southwark

c/o Members' Room

Southwark Town Hall

Peckham Road

London SE 15 8UB



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