Sunday, June 08, 2008
Re: Safer Lambeth Partnership and Community Engagement
You may be aware of the ongoing dialogue, over the past four years, regarding Community Engagement and the Safer Lambeth Partnership (the Partnership). Over that period, CPCG has reoriented itself, and constitutionally reformed, to provide a vehicle for that engagement.
This issue has again been visited by the Partnership and its Board, and on 29 April was presented by two papers addressing the issue.
One, from CPCG (see attached), reviewed the debate over recent years and again posited CPCG as the best placed vehicle for Partnership engagement, drawing on Home Office guidance (to use existing structures) and the Audit Commission's recent report, which specifically recommended that the Safer Lambeth Partnership engage with CPCG, the Safer Neighbourhood Panels and the putative Civic Assemblies.
A second paper, from Superintendent Paul Wilson of Lambeth MPS (see attached), recommended that the Partnership set up an Independent Advisory Group, which would be recruited under Nolan principles to reflect the borough's diversity and would meet with the Partnership quarterly. One of these meetings would be in public.
The Partnership Board meeting was unable to make a decision on these papers and has agreed a working group including CPCG Chair Anna Tapsell - to establish an agreed basis for moving forward.
At CPCG meeting on 6 May, CPCG Board promised to circulate the two papers to our members and hold a CPCG 'business meeting' to enable our membership to be fully appraised of the issues and to make a full contribution to the debate. This meeting will now take place at:
6.00 p.m. on Tuesday, 17 June 2008 at Stockwell Community Resource Centre, 1 Studley Road, Stockwell SW4 6RA
(behind Stockwell Tube Station)
We hope you will be able to attend and participate in this very important meeting and would be grateful if you could inform our administrator, Ben McKendrick, of your intention to do so or not.
Refreshments will be available.
Kind regards
Anna Tapsell
Lambet CPCG Chairperson
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