Saturday, December 30, 2006

3,500  no left turns in last three months.
of which 2,200  have been paid.  but no liaison with crime.
and community safety.
Thanks  for    Councillor  Becca  Thackray  for the following   repsonse to a memebrs enquiry.

RE:      CCTV Enforcement, Railton Road (j/w Dulwich Road)

You requested information on the effect of the CCTV installation at the
above location.  In particular, you requested information on any
offences including crime related offences, which has been successfully
prosecuted as a result of CCTV footage.  This matter has been forwarded
to me to respond to on behalf of the Business Performance Section.

Firstly, I would clarify that CCTV monitoring in relation to traffic
regulations is intended to reduce the level of contraventions and so
reduce delays on the highway network.
The primary purpose of the CCTV camera enforcement system is to ensure
the safe and efficient operation of the road network through the
detection of contraventions of traffic regulations. Lambeth Parking
Services therefore do not use their cameras in association with
Community Safety.

However, with regards to enforcement activity, I can confirm that the
number of Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs)  issued by the CCTV camera at
Railton Road, from 1 September 2006, is 3508.    These were issued with
a contravention code of 50L, which indicates that the vehicle failed to
comply with a sign indicating a prohibited turn (left turn).

In terms of vehicles that are successfully prosecuted, the only 
success measure  would be motorists that have paid for the PCNs that have
been issued, which is 2221 paid PCNs out of 3508.

With regards to safety of pedestrians, this is usually assessed by our
Transport and Highways department.  However, the issuance of PCNs act
as  a deterrent to motorists who contravene the parking regulations at
Railton Road, which should subsequently reduce the contravention levels
and ultimately improve safety at that location.  However, this would
have to be measured over a period of 6 months to a year, to verify its
actual effect.

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