Sunday, November 26, 2006


1.  Brixton Christmas Lights and related, 1st December:  If you want to be on the guest list for the VIP gathering after the lights are switched on next Friday evening, RSVP promptly to Chris Sipidias on 020 7926 1097 or

2.  Nelson Mandela's visit to Brixton, 1996:  BBC TV plan to film some material on this locally, I think mainly to prepare an obituary in advance, as the newspapers do.  If anyone attended the visit (hosted at the Recreation Centre) and is willing to reminisce or comment on film, contact Chris Sipidias as above, or direct to Sarah Parrish at BBC News, 020 8624 8506 X48506 or

3.  Trams coming to Brixton?: Looking 10 years forward instead of back, outline proposals for the Cross-River Tram are now on our website.  I would be glad to receive comments so we can feed them back to TfL by end January. 

4. Central Square project planning:  Leon Kreitzman and I attended on Thursday morning for both the "spatial" and "social" working groups.  I will try to finish and circulate notes shortly.

5. Civic Trust Seminar, 12 December:  the Civic Trust is holding a free seminar on local group's involvement in environmental issues at the TCPA.  I have booked already, but if anyone else is interested, info is attached.

6. Newsletter deadline:  Last possible date for anything to reach me for including in our next Newsletter is 15 December, but a week or two earlier would be much appreciated.


Alan Piper,
Hon. Secretary, The Brixton Society.

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