Sunday, November 26, 2006
present Shaun Kidell, Head of Parks (SK)
Lee Hills Parks Officer ( LH)
Hamish McLaughlan HLF Project Officer ( HM)
Derek Hoare Chair of Mac ( DH)
Laura Morland Chair of FOBP (LM)
Todd Strehlow Vice chair MAC (TS)
Ann Kingsbury Secretary BPMAC) ( AK)
1. Intros
2. Confirmation of Governance
the following people are to be included on BP Steering Group correspondence
Derek Hoare, Laura Morland, Todd Strehlow, Ann Kingsbury, Ben Benson treasurer.
Confirmed that Paul Reynolds and Nick Pond are no longer members of Mac Executive.
HM will arrange a project Board meeting for early in the new year agenda to be developed closer to the time.
Steering group to forward comments on draft Job descriptions to HM by Monday 20th Nov.. HM to review and update both JD's ready for wider circulation through the BPMAC.
SK explained likely process for appointing both position.
1 confirm JDs amongst the group
2.Send JDs to Lambeth Human resources for grading ( leading up to Christmas)
3.Advertise posts early in New year.
4.Interview and appoint Jan/Feb
5. Person in post March
4 Communications and Widening Stakeholder Base
HM to send steering group
1. HLF award letter
2 project costs and partnership funding spreadsheet
3. HLF Summary of Brockwell project
DH noted that a commitment had previously been made by the Project Board to allocate £2,500 to producing a youth audit an audit about youth and made by youth
( Lambeth Youth Forum)
5. Stage 2 Consultants
HM noted that a waiver of Lambeth's procurement guidelines had been sought in order to retain the services of LUC through the development phase ( preparation of stage 2 application)
TS to forward examples of development phase briefs to HM
6. Next meeting week commencing 19th December
Phase 3- Non eligible costs
At BPMAC meeting on Monday 21st HM will present the current status of HLF conditions on this matter and the proposed method of addressing this- likely to involve forming BPMAC subgroup specifically to deal with sports and play.
SK is currently discussing the requirements of Cleanaway in regards to Brockwell dedicated site depot.
It was agreed that this was an important issue that requires detailed attention.
SK updated the group on recent meetings and Highways intention to pursue with the latest design
DH noted that the BPMAC had not been consulted on the latest junction designs
Dh to write a letter to Lib Peck outlining the BPMACS concerns over the current
junction proposals.
SK noted that Andrew Ormston Head of Leisure and Arts and Neil Isaacs head of service have undertake to progress the Whippersnappers matter
Dh would like Lambeth to ensure the letter from David Lawrence to Whippersnappers is taken into consideration in resolving the matter.
present Shaun Kidell, Head of Parks (SK)
Lee Hills Parks Officer ( LH)
Hamish McLaughlan HLF Project Officer ( HM)
Derek Hoare Chair of Mac ( DH)
Laura Morland Chair of FOBP (LM)
Todd Strehlow Vice chair MAC (TS)
Ann Kingsbury Secretary BPMAC) ( AK)
1. Intros
2. Confirmation of Governance
the following people are to be included on BP Steering Group correspondence
Derek Hoare, Laura Morland, Todd Strehlow, Ann Kingsbury, Ben Benson treasurer.
Confirmed that Paul Reynolds and Nick Pond are no longer members of Mac Executive.
HM will arrange a project Board meeting for early in the new year agenda to be developed closer to the time.
Steering group to forward comments on draft Job descriptions to HM by Monday 20th Nov.. HM to review and update both JD's ready for wider circulation through the BPMAC.
SK explained likely process for appointing both position.
1 confirm JDs amongst the group
2.Send JDs to Lambeth Human resources for grading ( leading up to Christmas)
3.Advertise posts early in New year.
4.Interview and appoint Jan/Feb
5. Person in post March
4 Communications and Widening Stakeholder Base
HM to send steering group
1. HLF award letter
2 project costs and partnership funding spreadsheet
3. HLF Summary of Brockwell project
DH noted that a commitment had previously been made by the Project Board to allocate £2,500 to producing a youth audit an audit about youth and made by youth
( Lambeth Youth Forum)
5. Stage 2 Consultants
HM noted that a waiver of Lambeth's procurement guidelines had been sought in order to retain the services of LUC through the development phase ( preparation of stage 2 application)
TS to forward examples of development phase briefs to HM
6. Next meeting week commencing 19th December
Phase 3- Non eligible costs
At BPMAC meeting on Monday 21st HM will present the current status of HLF conditions on this matter and the proposed method of addressing this- likely to involve forming BPMAC subgroup specifically to deal with sports and play.
SK is currently discussing the requirements of Cleanaway in regards to Brockwell dedicated site depot.
It was agreed that this was an important issue that requires detailed attention.
SK updated the group on recent meetings and Highways intention to pursue with the latest design
DH noted that the BPMAC had not been consulted on the latest junction designs
Dh to write a letter to Lib Peck outlining the BPMACS concerns over the current
junction proposals.
SK noted that Andrew Ormston Head of Leisure and Arts and Neil Isaacs head of service have undertake to progress the Whippersnappers matter
Dh would like Lambeth to ensure the letter from David Lawrence to Whippersnappers is taken into consideration in resolving the matter.
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