Friday, October 13, 2006

11 October 2006


Following a number of enquiries and the closure of the Petrol Station the following information has been received from Clr Thackray.

Thank you for your enquiry regarding the Sainsbury’s at Herne Hill (132-132a Herne Hill). Alison Green, who manages Sainsbury’s London Regional portfolio has verbally confirmed to us that Sainsbury’s plc have not purchased the land at 128 (petrol station) or 130 (Royal Mail) Herne Hill. Ms Green also confirmed that at present Sainsbury’s had no plans to extend their store at 132-132a Herne Hill.

There are currently two approval of details applications (one for refuse, the other for cycle stands) dated 13th September 2006 on 134 Herne Hill (Post Office). The applicant and agent for these applications are AHBN & Phipps and Co Pension and Forge Architects. This is the same team that submitted the full planning application on 134 Herne Hill that was granted in June of this year. As you are aware that planning application was for the “demolition of the existing Post Office and the erection of a 5 storey building consisting of 170 sqm of commercial use for either A1 (retail) or A2 (financial and professional services) on the ground floor and 7 x 2 bed self contained flats on upper floors with provision of cycle parking “.

I understand that Chartbay’s last submitted a planning application to Lambeth for 132-132a Herne Hill in 2004 before it became a Sainsburys store. This application was for the removal of the existing roof and erection of a mansard to provide 2 additional self contained flats, which was subsequently withdrawn.

The Planning Service is unaware of any plans that Royal Mail may have with respect to the closure of the 130 Herne Hill site. Royal Mail has been contacted and it has verbally confirmed that there are no plans to sell the site

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