Saturday, June 10, 2006


In the week that Fusion failed to open Dulwich swimming baths due to lack of staff they have taken the bold step of siging a long lease to run Brockwell Lido. Fusion have now got to come up with the goods to delivering a Lido fit for the 21st century with a £2.500,000 investment and extension plan.

Brockwell Lido’s future secured
09 June 2006
Brockwell Lido’s future has been secured after a long period of negotiation with the news that Fusion has signed a long-term agreement with Lambeth Council. The 25-year lease will see Fusion inject over £2.5m, including £400,000 funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund, to redevelop the Lido and to create around 50 jobs.

The redevelopment will see a range of top quality new facilities created. A newly constructed healthy lifestyle area will include a spa with hydrotherapy pool, sauna, steam and therapy rooms, together with additional multi-purpose studio space, fitness suite and new changing rooms. A complete redesign of the Lido’s entrance, toilets and changing rooms, and pool surrounds will also be included in the refurbishment.

As a Grade II listed building, the Lido will retain its original features, such as its square clock and streamlined pavilion buildings. Fusion’s investment will also see local community organisations that currently use the Lido, such as Whippersnappers and yoga groups, provided with upgraded facilities. Their classes will continue to operate at the Lido while the refurbishment takes place.

In addition to the refurbished amenities and new lifestyle programmes created, the announcement means that the affectionately known ‘Brixton Beach’ will become self-sustainable and not reliant on public funding. High operating costs have seen many of the UK’s lidos closed and it is anticipated that Brockwell Lido could become a model for sustainability for lidos across the UK. Peter Kay, chief executive, Fusion, said: “We are delighted to ensure the future of one of south London’s most popular attractions. The Lido has been the heartbeat of the community for many years, but the funding that has gone into the project was crucial to maintaining this position. When the new amenities are in place, ‘Brixton Beach’ will become the multi-purpose facility it has always had the potential to be and a community facility to be proud of.

” Cllr. Lib Peck, Lambeth Council cabinet member for environment said: “To enter into this partnership with Fusion is a great opportunity, as it will not only bring about long-term stability and continuity, but will also attract an even broader range of users to the Lido. To secure its future is fantastic news, as it is a landmark steeped in history and a much-loved community facility.” Earlier this year, Fusion invested in excess of £50,000 refurbishing the facilities in readiness for the summer season. A complete facelift of the swimming pool included grit blasting, repairing cracks and repainting.
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Press Releases
09 June 2006
Brockwell Lido’s future secured

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