Saturday, May 20, 2006
Lambeth are about to consult on the introduction of controlled parking in an area bounded by Herne Hill ,Denmark Hill, Fernedene Avenue, Herne Hill Road and Milkwood Road. We have had sight of the plan of the area dated 8th May 06 if this is agreed it will put further pressure for extension of the Herne Hill CPZ on the other side of the Hill from Holmdene to Sunray Avenue.
Lambeth are about to consult on the introduction of controlled parking in an area bounded by Herne Hill ,Denmark Hill, Fernedene Avenue, Herne Hill Road and Milkwood Road. We have had sight of the plan of the area dated 8th May 06 if this is agreed it will put further pressure for extension of the Herne Hill CPZ on the other side of the Hill from Holmdene to Sunray Avenue.
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