Wednesday, February 23, 2005


An entertainments license was recently granted to Field Textiles for a 3 day music event 10th to 12th june , finishing about 9pm each evening. The expected numbers are 10,000 each day
and the fee for the hire of the park is we understand about £25,000 now this seems to differ from the scale of charges which is about 1.80 per head for a single day event. So there seems to be a generous discount given by the poeple of Lambeth to stage this event.

A large churches Youth Rally pulled out last year as they were going to be charged
£70,000. So preference seems to be going to commerecial organisations.

MEANWHILE THE CANNABIS COALTION who each year have provided a free festival
have had their request for another festival turned down. We have heard off the record that its on account of the aggressive drug dealing that took place last year.
There was a subversive attempt to derail this by persuading one group to shift a booking from August to June but this didnt quite work.

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